Are you finding it challenging to support a pupil?
Is it difficult to understand where the behaviour is coming from?
We can offer practical advice and strategies around behaviours observed.
Identify practical assessments and ways to track impact of interventions.
Support writing support plans and risk assessments.
A 3.5 hour block of time which may include administration time for consultant for a follow up report/assessment analysis.
Advice will be provide on a visit verbally, through a follow up email within 5 working days and a written report where required within 10 working days.
A follow up email or phone call after 4 weeks to discuss anything further.
An observation on a pupil, meeting with pupil or parents, assessment and feedback to staff.
Written report on consultation with recommendations.
Referral form to be completed for the individual pupil.
Advice and guidance to SENCO on a range of behaviour, social or emotional concerns (no specific named pupils).
One day (can be split over a term into 2 x 1/2 day sessions)